MAKE A MEME View Large Image Granacci Maria mit segnendem Kind anagoria.JPG Artwork Creator Francesco Granacci en Madonna Enthroned with the blessing child John the Baptist and St Michael the Archangel de Thronende Maria mit dem segnenden Kind Johannes dem Täufer und ...
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Keywords: 1495 Granacci Maria mit segnendem Kind anagoria.JPG Artwork Creator Francesco Granacci en Madonna Enthroned with the blessing child John the Baptist and St Michael the Archangel de Thronende Maria mit dem segnenden Kind Johannes dem Täufer und dem Erzengel Michael ru � адонна на т� оне с благословения � ебенка Иоанна К� естителя и Святого А� хангела � ихаила own anagoria 1495 painting Institution Gemäldegalerie Berlin PD-old-100 Francesco Granacci Italian Renaissance paintings in the Gemäldegalerie Berlin Granacci 1495 paintings 1495 paintings in Germany 15th-century paintings of Madonna and Child 1490s paintings in Germany 15th-century religious paintings in Germany 15th-century paintings of angels with humans Angels with objects Angels on the ground Salvator mundi Files by User anagoria
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