Keywords: 1750 Bellin Map of Macao Hong Kong China - Geographicus - Macao-bellin-1748.jpg This is a rare map of the city and port of Macao Macau dating to 1764 by Jacques N Bellin This map is one of the earliest depictions of Macao �s street structure Shows fortifications roads several important buildings the fort and a Chinese village near the Portuguese city This map was issued as map number 17 in volume 5 of Abbe Prevost's Historie universale des voyages Varients were also issued for Bellin �s Petit Atlas Maritime and Nouvel Atlas de la Chine de la Tartarie Chinoise 1784 undated Size in 7 9 object history credit line accession number Macao-bellin-1748 Geographicus-source PD-old-100 1764 maps Macau Maps by Jacques-Nicolas Bellin |