Keywords: 1836 map of Warsaw 5.jpg en The central part of Warsaw on a 1836 map published only in 1860 Scale 1 16800 pl Arkusz 5 mapy obejmujący Warszawę stan na 1836 rok mapę opublikowano w 1860 Skala 1 16800 1860 5th part of a Russian КАРТА ОКРЕСТ� ОСТЕЙ ВАРШАВЫ Map of the Environs of Warsaw prepared in 1836 published in 1860 Scanned by mapywig org http //polski mapywig org/viewpage php page_id 36 The Russian map is in fact a Russian translation of the 1829 anonymous French language Plan des environs de Varsovie Creator Unknown Custom license marker 2013 08 25 PD-Russia Uploaded with UploadWizard Historical maps of Warsaw |