Keywords: 1888. Семья императора Александра III.jpg ru Семья импе� ато� а Александ� а III en Photograph of Alexander III Emperor of Russia 1845-94 and his consort Maria Feodorovna Empress of Russia 1847-1928 with their children Tsesarevich Nicholas 1868-1918 later Nicholas II Grand Duke George Alexandrovich 1871-99 Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna 1875-1960 Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich 1878-1918 and Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna 1882-1960 <br /> Alexander III is sitting at the centre of the group with Grand Duchess Olga standing in front of him Maria Feodorovna is standing behind him to the left her left hand on his shoulder and her right arm around Grand Duke Michael Tsesarevich Nicholas and Grand Duchess Xenia are standing to the right of their mother Grand Duke George is sitting to the far right his legs crossed and his left arm resting on the back of the chair 2926800 http //www royalcollection org uk/collection/2926800/tsar-alexander-iii-empress-marie-feodorovna-and-their-children working link http //avaxnews net/pictures/6925 http //history-gatchina ru/owners/tsardeti/tsardeti4 htm http //www gorod gatchina biz/dll_9103703 1888 Creator Sergey Levitsky PD-old-100 Alexander III of Russia with family in photographs Nicholas II of Russia as a child George Alexandrovich of Russia in photographs Xenia Alexandrovna of Russia in photographs 1888 Michael Alexandrovich of Russia in photographs 1888 Olga Alexandrovna of Russia in photographs Children in sailor suits Photographs uploaded by Andrew Butko from various sources 1000-1999 px on long side 1888 portrait photographs Romanovs by Sergey Levitsky Files uploaded by Andrew Butko from various sources 19th century Media licensed by Getty Images |