Keywords: 1889. Джон Юз и английский рабочие в механическом цехе завода.jpg Джон Юз и английский � абочие в механическом цехе завода Юзовка 1889 British workers in a machine shed at Hughesovka 1890s - John James Hughes Seated 2nd from Right - Front Row - Son of Welsh Entrepeneur - John Hughes Arthur Hughes 2nd Row - right behind his brother - John James Hughes Edwin James Williams Seated 2nd Row - Right End Also in the archive photograph - David Waters William Lethridge William Lewis and William Waters http //infodon org ua/pedia/132 British workers in a machine shed at Hughesovka 1890s The Hughesovka Research Archive - Glamorgan Record Office UK Hughesovka - A Welsh Enterprise in Imperial Russia - 1992 - Author - Susan Edwards 1889 Author PD-RusEmpire 1889 in Donetsk John Hughes Photographs uploaded by Andrew Butko from various sources 1000-1999 px on long side Historical photos of Donetsk by alphabet Files uploaded by Andrew Butko from various sources 19th century Images from infodon org ua |