MAKE A MEME View Large Image Прятки. 1893. Холст, масло. 138х113 см.jpg Artwork Creator Sergei Gribkov ca 1893 oil on canvas cm 138 113 Вологодская областная ка тинная гале ея ru ru </sup> Вологодская ...
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Keywords: Прятки. 1893. Холст, масло. 138х113 см.jpg Artwork Creator Sergei Gribkov ca 1893 oil on canvas cm 138 113 Вологодская областная ка� тинная гале� ея ru ru </sup> Вологодская областная ка� тинная гале� ея ru Vologda en Вологда ru Russia accession number object history http //www artsait ru/foto php art g/gribkov/img/2 LangSwitch Summary information about this painting Сводная инфо� мация об этой ка� тине http //s52 radikal ru/i135/1408/7e/f1856244ec63 jpg other versions PD-Art-old-100 Sergei Gribkov 1893 oil on canvas paintings in Russia 1893 paintings from Russia 19th-century genre paintings from Russia 19th-century oil paintings of standing girls at full length Children's games in art Games in art Hide and seek in art Hiding people Paintings of boyaryshni Paintings of Russian women in national dress
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