Keywords: 1897 Bogdanov-Belsky At School Doors.jpg ru У две� ей школы Холст масло Госуда� ственный Русский музей Санкт-Пете� бу� г en At the Door of the School Oil on canvas The State Russian Museum St Petersburg http //www art-catalog ru/gallery php is_form 1 id_artist 61 id_museum_list year_begin year_end pic_fl_list search_str is_poster -1 id_psort 1 here / здесь Creator Nikolai Bogdanov-Belsky 1897 PD-RusEmpire <gallery>1897 Bogdanov-Belsky At School Doors var jpg</gallery> Peasants by Bogdanov-Belsky Schools in Russia in art 1897 paintings from Russia Poverty in art Schools in art Bast shoes 19th-century paintings in the Russian Museum Male national costumes of Russia in art |