Keywords: 1897 Serow Pavel Aleksandrovich.JPG Artwork en Portrait of Grand Duke Pavel Aleksandrovich de Porträt des Großfürsten Pawel Alexandrowitsch ru По� т� ет великого князя Павла Александ� овича 1897 painting Institution Tretyakov Gallery Tretyakov Gallery other versions <gallery>Pavel Alex by Serov jpg</gallery> PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1897; Paul Alexandrovich Male portraits by Valentin Serov Pavel Aleksandrovich 19th-century portraits in the Tretyakov Gallery Romanovs Paul Alexandrovich of Russia 1890s portraits of Russia male 1897 portrait paintings Male 19th-century oil portraits of standing men at three-quarter length wearing military uniforms 19th-century portrait paintings with horses 19th-century portraits wearing cuirass Portrait paintings in 19th-century military uniforms of Russia Portrait paintings of men with swords 19th-century cuirassiers 1897 paintings in Russia |