Keywords: Тройца. Другая чвэрць 18 ст.jpg be Т� ойца Д� угая чвэ� ць 18 ст Дошка яечная тэмпе� а 115х79х1 7 З в Альгомель Столінскага � -на � ацыянальны мастацкі музей Рэспублікі Бела� усь en The Old testament Trinity second qurter of the 18th c second qurter of the 18th c http //1 bp blogspot com/_q_ZP3T5JkME/S_j9yRupXhI/AAAAAAAAAtE/gD-VrKK6S8A/s1600/13 jpg author Custom license marker 2012 07 01 PD-Art Uploaded with UploadWizard 18th-century icons of Belarus Holy Trinity 18th-century paintings in the National Arts Museum of the Republic of Belarus Aĺhomieĺ |