Keywords: Дмитро Яворницький. 1900-ті роки.jpg Dmytro Yavornytsky Дмит� о Яво� ницький a Ukrainian historian ethnographer who is regarded as widely revered as the Father of the Zaporozhian Cossacks http //virtlibrary dp ua/page/nestr/nesr htm 1900-x Author PD-old Original upload log UWCTransferBot v 2 1 2 based on Chris G's http //toolserver org/~chris/highlight php d chris/classes/ f botclasses php botclasses framework uk wikipedia D0 94 D0 BC D0 B8 D1 82 D1 80 D0 BE+ D0 AF D0 B2 D0 BE D1 80 D0 BD D0 B8 D1 86 D1 8C D0 BA D0 B8 D0 B9 +1900- D1 82 D1 96+ D1 80 D0 BE D0 BA D0 B8 jpg 2014-07-06 07 25 Kameristyiy 353×500×8 34720 bytes <nowiki> Dmytro Yavornytsky Дмит� о Яво� ницький a Ukrainian historian ethnographer who is regarded as widely revered as the F </nowiki> Dmytro Yavornytsky |