MAKE A MEME View Large Image 1903 ball - Xenia Alexandrovna of Russia.jpg Ее импе ато ское высочество Великая Kнягиня Ксения Александ овна в костюме боя ыни в емен ца я Алексея  ...
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Keywords: 1903 ball - Xenia Alexandrovna of Russia.jpg Ее импе� ато� ское высочество Великая Kнягиня Ксения Александ� овна в костюме боя� ыни в� емен ца� я Алексея � ихайловича en Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna in boyarynya attire during the time of Alexei Mikhailovich dressed for a costume ball in traditional seventeenth-century Russian fashion <br /> This image is part of the exhibit A Romanoff Album at the Herbert Hoover Memorial Exhibit Pavilion the Hoover Institution Stanford University Stanford Calif http //www hooverdigest org/993/p156 html and http //www-hoover stanford edu/pubaffairs/newsletter/99winter/romanoff html 1903 Боассон и Эггле� Boissonnas et Eggler <gallery>File 1903 ball - Xenia Alex 01 jpg</gallery> PD-RusEmpire Xenia Alexandrovna of Russia in photographs 1903 House of Romanov at Romanov Anniversary Ball 1903 Files uploaded by Shakko from various sources Boasson and Eggler
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