Keywords: 1963 march on washington.jpg The Civil Rights March on Washington D C � Leaders marching from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial August 28 1963 In the front row from left are Whitney M Young Jr Executive Director of the National Urban League; Roy Wilkins Executive Secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People NAACP A Philip Randolph Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters American Federation of Labor AFL and a former vice president of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations AFL-CIO Walter P Reuther President United Auto Workers Union Arnold Aronson Secretary of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Local identifier 306-SSM-4C 46 14 U S Information Agency Press and Publications Service Photograph by Rowland Scherman for USIA Still Picture Records Section Special Media Archives Services Division NWCS-S National Archives at College Park 8601 Adelphi Road College Park MD 20740-6001 1963-08-28 Record group Records of the U S Information Agency 1900 - 2003 Record group ARC 306 Series ARC Variant control numbers General notes Scope and content File unit File unit ARC NARA-cooperation PD-USGov March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom Roy Wilkins Asa Philip Randolph Walter Reuther People with placards Trade unionism of the United States NARA images of Washington D C Black and white photographs of Washington D C |