Keywords: 1986-cropped2.jpg Head of the Schuylkill Regatta � Schuylkill River from race start to finish at Boathouse Row http //www loc gov/pictures/resource/hhh pa3426 sheet 00010a 1986 Jonathon Hodge Christopher Thie J Raul Vazquez en File Fairmount_Park_Along_Schuylkill_River jpg PD-USGov-Interior-HABS Original upload log en wikipedia 1986-cropped2 jpg wikitable - 2013-11-14 01 05 5083×11431× 18480932 bytes Ciricula <nowiki> Fairmount Park Along Schuylkill River Philadelphia Philadelphia County PA http //www loc gov/pictures/resource/hhh pa3426 sheet 00010a http //www loc gov/pictures/resource/hhh pa3426 sheet 00010 </nowiki> Uncategorized 2015 October 20 |