Keywords: Воздушный душ Рис. 12.jpg ru Отчёт специалистов � ационального института ох� аны т� уда NIOSH о лабо� ато� ных и п� оизводственных исследованиях с� едства коллективной защиты от пыли - воздушного душа http //www cdc gov/niosh/mining/UserFiles/works/pdfs/doaca pdf Development of a canopy air curtain to reduce roof bolters � dust exposure 2012г Рисунок 12 Значения ско� ости воздуха под воздушным душем en The report of experts of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health NIOSH on laboratory and field testing of means for collective protection from mine �s dust - air shower Development of a canopy air curtain to reduce roof bolters � dust exposure by J M Listak and T W Beck 2012 Fig 12 2015-05-15 http //www cdc gov/niosh/mining/UserFiles/works/pdfs/doaca pdf Development of a canopy air curtain to reduce roof bolters � dust exposure J M Listak and T W Beck NIOSH other versions PD-USGov Workplace safety Workplace safety of Russia Mining Ventilation Occupational safety and health Uploaded with UploadWizard |