MAKE A MEME View Large Image Знамя 1-го и 2-го батальонов 15-го гренадерского полка.gif Flag of the 1st and 2nd Battalions of the 15th Grenadier Tiflis His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich Regiment ...
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Keywords: Знамя 1-го и 2-го батальонов 15-го гренадерского полка.gif Flag of the 1st and 2nd Battalions of the 15th Grenadier Tiflis His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich Regiment знамя 1-го и 2-го батальонов 15-го г� енаде� ского Тифлисского Его Импе� ато� ского Высочества Великого князя Константина Константиновича полка 1868 https //web archive org/web/20090410071942/http //www hrono ru/heraldicum/flagi/chasti7 htm unknown other versions insignia PD-RusEmpire 15th Tiflis Grenadier Regiment HIH Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich Grenadier Regiment flags of the Russian Empire GIF flags of Russia Images from vexillographia ru
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