Keywords: astronomy space telescope observatory planets stars invention discovery sci-fi scifi science scientific exploration grubb parsons ltd grubbparsonsltd precision telescopic instruments precisiontelescopicinstruments mirror william parsons williamparsons earl of rosse earlofrosse largest telescope largesttelescope 19th century 19thcentury astronomical studies astronomicalstudies 1800's 1800s grubb parsons ltd collection grubbparsonsltdcollection newcastle upon tyne newcastleupontyne north east of england northeastofengland united kingdom unitedkingdom 65 linear metres 65linearmetres 213 linear feet 213linearfeet files plans photographs glass plate negatives glassplatenegatives manufacturing thomas grubb thomasgrubb 1925 sir charles parsons sircharlesparsons astronomical instruments astronomicalinstruments 1985 glass lantern slide glasslanternslide black and white photograph blackandwhitephotograph digital image digitalimage grain mark blur tool handle standing gathering men documentation archives walkergate observatories research stone wall building roof window glass shadow circle round platform support industrial heritage industrialheritage industry art and design artanddesign interesting unusual compelling surreal shoes reflection components apron blackandwhite monochrome black and white Reference: DS.GP.1919/3630 This photograph shows the 60" Mirror built for William Parsons, Earl of Rosse for his Telescope, said to be the largest telescope of the 19th century, The Earl of Rosse was famous for his astronomical studies in the 1800's. This photograph is taken from the Grubb Parsons Ltd collection at Tyne & Wear Archives. The records of Grubb Parsons Ltd, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, consist of 65 linear metres (213 linear feet) of files, plans, photographs and glass plate negatives relating to this internationally renowned firm's manufacture of precision telescopic instruments. The original Business was founded in the early nineteenth century by Thomas Grubb, in 1925 the company was acquired by Sir Charles Parsons and continued to manufacture Telescopic and Astronomical instruments until 1985. This Glass Lantern Slide is taken from a large collection that documents the work of Grubb Parsons Ltd at their workshop in Walkergate, Newcastle upon Tyne. It was here that Grubb Parsons Ltd manufactured Telescopic and Astronomical equipment for companies and observatories world wide. Their equipment was designed and built for use and research across the Globe, to name only a few of these locations Grubb Parsons Ltd supplied to the UK, Switzerland, Denmark, Egypt, South Africa, Greece, Australia, Japan, India, Hawaii, Poland, Chile, Canada, France and Spain. (Copyright) We're happy for you to share these digital images within the spirit of The Commons. Please cite 'Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums' when reusing. Certain restrictions on high quality reproductions and commercial use of the original physical version apply though; if you're unsure please email [email protected] Reference: DS.GP.1919/3630 This photograph shows the 60" Mirror built for William Parsons, Earl of Rosse for his Telescope, said to be the largest telescope of the 19th century, The Earl of Rosse was famous for his astronomical studies in the 1800's. This photograph is taken from the Grubb Parsons Ltd collection at Tyne & Wear Archives. The records of Grubb Parsons Ltd, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, consist of 65 linear metres (213 linear feet) of files, plans, photographs and glass plate negatives relating to this internationally renowned firm's manufacture of precision telescopic instruments. The original Business was founded in the early nineteenth century by Thomas Grubb, in 1925 the company was acquired by Sir Charles Parsons and continued to manufacture Telescopic and Astronomical instruments until 1985. This Glass Lantern Slide is taken from a large collection that documents the work of Grubb Parsons Ltd at their workshop in Walkergate, Newcastle upon Tyne. It was here that Grubb Parsons Ltd manufactured Telescopic and Astronomical equipment for companies and observatories world wide. Their equipment was designed and built for use and research across the Globe, to name only a few of these locations Grubb Parsons Ltd supplied to the UK, Switzerland, Denmark, Egypt, South Africa, Greece, Australia, Japan, India, Hawaii, Poland, Chile, Canada, France and Spain. (Copyright) We're happy for you to share these digital images within the spirit of The Commons. Please cite 'Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums' when reusing. Certain restrictions on high quality reproductions and commercial use of the original physical version apply though; if you're unsure please email [email protected] |