MAKE A MEME View Large Image Brawl with Finnish Contrabandists by Vasili Khudiakov.jpg Artwork Creator Vasily Khudiakov An Encounter with Finnish Smugglers «Стычка с финляндскими конт абандистами» Depicted time the middle of XIX ...
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Keywords: A Brawl with Finnish Contrabandists by Vasili Khudiakov.jpg Artwork Creator Vasily Khudiakov An Encounter with Finnish Smugglers «Стычка с финляндскими конт� абандистами» Depicted time the middle of XIX century Depicted event A capture of the group of smugglers from the local residents of the Grand Duchy of Finland many of which are hunted for illegal transfer of goods across the border of the Russian Empire Then coffee salt brandy and tin-plate appear in the list of most commonly encountered smuggling items Изоб� ажённое в� емя се� едина XIX в Изоб� ажённое событие Захват г� уппы конт� абандистов из числа жителей Великого княжества Финляндского многие из кото� ых п� омышляли нелегальной пе� еп� авкой това� ов че� ез г� аницу Российской импе� ии В списке чаще всего вст� ечавшихся в то в� емя п� едметов конт� абанды значатся кофе соль коньяк и «белая английская жесть» 1853 oil canvas cm 95 6 133 6 Museum Tretyakov Gallery This was the first painting acquired by Pavel Tretyakov for the future Tretyakov Gallery CD-ROM Госуда� ственная Т� етьяковская гале� ея Издание 2-е; Допол Издательство AlexSoft 2004 PD-old-100 Other versions Vasily Khudiakov 1853 paintings from Russia Neoclassical paintings in Russia Cavalry of Russia Cavalry in paintings Battle-scene paintings in the Tretyakov Gallery 19th-century history paintings in the Tretyakov Gallery
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