MAKE A MEME View Large Image Man of the Sandwich Islands with His Helmet' (unknown artist, c. 1830).jpg author based on a portrait by John Webber Creator John Webber A Man of the en A colored portrait based on the Portrait of Kaneena a chief of the Sandwich Islands in ...
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Keywords: 'A Man of the Sandwich Islands with His Helmet' (unknown artist, c. 1830).jpg author based on a portrait by John Webber Creator John Webber A Man of the en A colored portrait based on the Portrait of Kaneena a chief of the Sandwich Islands in the North Pacific by w John Webber The actual spelling is Kanaina and he was one of the two chiefs along with Palea Pareea who were the first to greet Captain James Cook at Kealakekua Bay Described as fine as a figure as can be seen He was about six feet high had regular and expressive features with lively dark eyes; his deportment was easy firm and graceful According to Abraham Fornander he is possibly the person who struck the fatal blow that ended James Cook's life; he called him Kalanimanokahoowaha According to another source he was one of the chiefs that died in the fighting ca 1830 watercolour cm 75 51 Institution National Library of Australia Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia http //nla gov au/nla cs-pa-http 253A 252F 252Fnla gov au 252Fnla pic-an13864659 object history c 1830 Created in Hawaii c 1830 � 1839 Part of the collection of 30 watercolours relating to the South Sea Islands South Seas belonging to Rev John Williams missionary John Williams 1796 � 1839 11 20 which was used by him and his ministers when raising funds for the London Missionary Society credit line accession number nla pic-an13864659 http //www nla gov au/exhibitions/omai/images/t3334 jpg other versions <gallery> File Portrait of Kaneena a chief of the Sandwich Islands in the North Pacific jpg File 'A Man of the Sandwich Islands with His Helmet' unknown artist c 1800 jpg</gallery> PD-Art-100 Kanaina Engravings in the National Library of Australia Works after John Webber Mahiole ʻAhu ʻula Depictions of natives in European works Native Hawaiians in art
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