Keywords: A.S. Talyzin by Tropinin (1815).jpg Portrait of the <s>Prince P I Bagration</s> A S Talyzin По� т� ет А С Талызина � анее считался по� т� етом П И Баг� атиона Художник В А Т� опинин 1815 г 1815 Oil on canvas Institution State Historical Museum http //www abcgallery com/T/tropinin/tropinin13 html PD-old-100 other versions Male portraits by Vasily Tropinin 19th-century portraits in the Moscow State Historical Museum 1815 House of Talyzin 1810s oil on canvas paintings in Russia Portrait 1815 oil on canvas paintings Portrait 1815 portrait paintings Male 19th-century oil portraits of sitting men at full length in military uniforms 1815 Male black boots in portrait paintings 1815 Portrait paintings in 19th-century military uniforms of Russia Pointing with the index finger in portrait paintings Portrait paintings of men holding swords 1815 Portrait paintings with the battlefield 1815 Sashes of chivalric orders in portrait paintings 1815 Stars of chivalric orders in portrait paintings 1815 |