MAKE A MEME View Large Image Abbey Road Zebra.jpg The zebra crossing in 2007 Abbey Road Zebra Crossing 2007 Le passage piéton A zebra 2007 Le strisce pedonali oggi nel luogo attraversato dai Beatles Fotgjengarovergangen ved Abbey Road Fotgjengerovergangen ved Abbey ...
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Keywords: Abbey Road Zebra.jpg The zebra crossing in 2007 Abbey Road Zebra Crossing 2007 Le passage piéton A zebra 2007 Le strisce pedonali oggi nel luogo attraversato dai Beatles Fotgjengarovergangen ved Abbey Road Fotgjengerovergangen ved Abbey Road i dag Abbey Road Studios Пе� еход че� ез Эбби Роуд в 2007 году В настоящее в� емя � асположение пе� ехода несколько изменилось по с� авнению с 1969 годом тогда он находился не сп� ава от дальнего фона� я как на этой фотог� афии а слева Пе� еход че� ез Эбби Роуд в Сент Джонс Вуд кото� ый The Beatles запечатлели на обложке своего последнего студийного альбома Abbey Road en wikipedia Transfer was stated to be made by User Blast 2007-09-24 Misterweiss wikipedia en Misterweiss original upload log page en wikipedia Abbey_Road_Zebra jpg 2007-09-24 14 16 Misterweiss 3888×2592×8 6459165 bytes <nowiki></nowiki> ImageNote 1 272 1138 3451 1250 3888 2592 2 This is the famous Zebra crossing in Abbey Road a few yards from the Abbey Road Recording Studios where the Beatles did much of their recording It was used on a famous Beatles album when John George Ringo and Paul were photographed crossing the road here It is now a favorite location for Beatle fans to have their photographs taken much to the annoyance of the many drivers who have to stop and are held up sometimes for quite long periods ImageNoteEnd 1 19th-century architecture 1831 Abbey Road zebra crossing
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