Keywords: Abondance Louis Petitot Pont Carrousel Paris-CN.jpg L'Abondance par Louis Petitot 1846 Pont du Carrousel Paris Abundantia by Louis Petitot 1846 Pont du Carrousel Paris Abundantia af Louis Petitot 1846 ved broen Pont du Carrousel i Paris Frankrig Abundantia vom Bildhauer Louis Petitot 1846 an der Brücke Pont du Carrousel in Paris Abundancia por Louis Petitot 1846 Puente del Carrousel París Bőség � Louis Petitot szobra 1846 a Pont du Carrousel hídfőjén Párizs L'Abondance di Louis Petitot 1846 Pont du Carrousel Parigi Francia ルイ・プティトー� �アブン� ンティア� � 1846年 � �パリ・カルーゼル橋にて� � ქა� დაკება �სიუხვე კარუზელის ხიდზე პარიზში ავტ� რი ლუი პეტიტ� 1846 წელი Скулпту� ата �Абундантија во Па� из Луј Петито 1846 Abundantia gemaakt door Louis Petitot in 1846 Pont du Carrousel in Parijs 法国巴黎卡鲁索桥上的雕塑,由路易·佩蒂托特创� 于1846年� � 2011-12-17 Abondance Louis Petitot Pont Carrousel Paris jpg 45 Jebulon User Carschten/Retouched adjusted levels colours saturation brightness and contrast selective brightening and levels of the statue Carschten Abondance Louis Petitot Pont Carrousel Paris jpg Cc-zero Assessment Assessments f 2012 1 Abondance Louis Petitot Pont Carrousel Paris jpg 2012 04 11 abundantia-in-paris 1 picture of the day 2012 04 11 User Carschten/QI-retouched Allegories of abundance Cornucopia in France Lyres in sculpture Sculptures on Pont du Carrousel Statues of sitting women in France Featured pictures of Paris Taken with Sony DSLR-A550 Featured pictures of art Featured pictures by Jebulon |