Keywords: Active Margin ru.svg Схематическое изоб� ажение активной зоны Active_Margin svg 2010-11-19 20 58 UTC Active_Margin svg en User Booyabazooka derivative work Викто� В <span class signature-talk >talk</span> Other versions/Active_Margin Active_Margin svg Original upload log This image is a derivative work of the following images File Active_Margin svg licensed with PD-user-en PD-user-w 2007-12-21T22 51 05Z Jo Weber 305x171 53742 Bytes <nowiki> Schematical scetch of an active margin http //upload wikimedia org/wikipedia/en/b/b7/Oceanic-continental_convergence_Fig21oceancont svg uploaded by en User Booyabazooka 01 46 21 </nowiki> Uploaded with derivativeFX Block diagrams cartography Subduction diagrams SVG geology Geological diagrams in Russian |