Keywords: Adolf Ulrik Wertmüller, Portrait of Jean-Jacques Caffieri (1784).jpg Artwork Creator Adolf Ulrik Wertmüller Portrait of Jean-Jacques Caffieri 1725 �1792 French sculptor Portrait de Jean-Jacques Caffieri 1725 �1792 sculpteur français 1784 Oil on canvas cm 128 9 95 9 Institution Museum of Fine Arts Boston Ruth and Carl J Shapiro Gallery Europe 1700 �1800 246 33764 object history credit line ProvenanceEvent 1963 purchase Ernest Wadsworth Longfellow Fund Signed and dated bottom left A Wertmuller / 1784 Reception piece for the Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture presented on August 30 1783 Exhibited at the Salon of 1785 Signé et daté en bas à gauche A Wertmuller / 1784 Morceau de réception à l'Académi Royale de peinture et de sculpture présenté le 30 août 1783 Exposé au Salon de 1785 Подписан и дати� ован слева внизу A Wertmuller / 1784 Вступительное п� оизведение для Ко� олевской Академии живописи и скульпту� ы п� едставленное 30 августа 1783 года Выставлен в Салоне 1785 года accession number 63 1082 http //www museumoffinearts com/collections/search_art asp recview true id 33764 coll_keywords coll_accession coll_name coll_artist coll_place coll_medium coll_culture coll_classification coll_credit coll_provenance coll_location coll_has_images coll_on_view coll_sort 1 coll_sort_order 1 coll_view 0 coll_package 12758 coll_start 31 other versions PD-old-100 GFDL relicense DEFAULTSORT 1784; Caffieri by Wertmüller Adolf Ulrik Wertmüller 18th-century portrait paintings in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston Jean-Jacques Caffieri 1784 oil on canvas paintings in the United States Portrait 1784 portrait paintings Male 18th-century men looking at viewer in art 18th-century oil portraits of standing men at three-quarter length 18th-century portrait paintings in interiors Habit à la française in portrait paintings Embroidered clothing in art Leaning people in art Men in rooms in art Needle lace in art Portrait paintings of men of France Bouchardon Edmé Portrait paintings of men with swords Portrait paintings of men holding tricorne hats Portrait paintings of sculptors with artwork Caffieri Jean-Jacques Powdered wigs in art Reception pieces for the Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture Red clothing in art male Males with red coats in art Satin clothing in art Statues of Pierre Corneille |