Keywords: Adverse effects of vaping (vector).svg vaping Entries Eyes Eye irritation<ref name Biyani2015> cite journal Biyani S Derkay CS E-cigarettes Considerations for the otolaryngologist International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology 28 April 2015 10 1016/j ijporl 2015 04 032 25998217 </ref> and blurry vision<ref name BrelandSpindle2014> cite journal Breland Alison B Spindle Tory Weaver Michael Eissenberg Thomas Science and Electronic Cigarettes Journal of Addiction Medicine 8 4 2014 223 �233 1932-0620 10 1097/ADM 0000000000000049 4122311 25089952 </ref> Corneoscleral lacerations or ocular burns after e-cigarette explosion<ref name PaleyEchalier2016> cite journal Paley Grace L Echalier Elizabeth Eck Thomas W Hong Augustine R Farooq Asim V Gregory Darren G Lubniewski Anthony J Corneoscleral Laceration and Ocular Burns Caused by Electronic Cigarette Explosions Cornea 35 7 2016 1015 �1018 0277-3740 10 1097/ICO 0000000000000881 4900417 27191672 </ref> Airways Irritation and cough<ref name Grana2014> cite journal Grana R Benowitz N Glantz SA E-cigarettes a scientific review Circulation 13 May 2014 129 19 1972 �86 10 1161/circulationaha 114 007667 24821826 4018182 </ref> Increased airway resistance<ref name EbbertAgunwamba2015> cite journal Ebbert Jon O Agunwamba Amenah A Rutten Lila J Counseling Patients on the Use of Electronic Cigarettes Mayo Clinic Proceedings 90 1 2015 128 �134 00256196 10 1016/j mayocp 2014 11 004 25572196 </ref><ref name Orellana-Barrios2015/> Stomach Nausea and vomiting<ref name Grana2014/><ref name Orellana-Barrios2015> cite journal Orellana-Barrios Menfil A Payne Drew Mulkey Zachary Nugent Kenneth Electronic cigarettes-a narrative review for clinicians The American Journal of Medicine 2015 00029343 10 1016/j amjmed 2015 01 033 25731134 </ref> Abdominal pain<ref name BrelandSpindle2014/> Heart and circulation Chest pain<ref name Orellana-Barrios2015/> Increased blood pressure<ref name Orellana-Barrios2015/> Increased heart rate<ref name Orellana-Barrios2015/> Mortality Death after e-cigarette explosion small risk <ref name PaleyEchalier2016/> References reflist <P>To discuss image please see Template talk Human body diagrams All used images are in public domain Mikael Häggström 2015-07-10 thumb left png en Raster graphics raster format Human body diagrams Diagrams of the adult male human body by Mikael Häggström |