Keywords: Aksakova V S.jpg Artwork LangSwitch Vera Sergueïevna Aksakova Ве� а Се� геевна Аксакова 1819-1864 1840 Oil on canvas Gallery Transferred from http //ru wikipedia org ru wikipedia This image is in the public domain; PD-OLD other versions PD-old-100 original upload log page ru wikipedia Aksakova_V_S jpg 2009-01-23 20 23 Churckin 865×1167× 271563 bytes <nowiki> Описание Авто� Ве� а Се� геевна Аксакова В� емя создания 1840 Источник </nowiki> DEFAULTSORT 1840; Vera Aksakova Vera Aksakova 19th-century portrait paintings location missing 19th-century self-portrait paintings of women 1840 paintings 19th-century oil on canvas paintings 19th-century oil portraits of women at half length Black and white reproductions of portrait paintings in color Women facing right and looking at viewer in art 1840s portrait paintings |