MAKE A MEME View Large Image Albany.jpg Hudson River and the city of Albany the capital of New York own Karthikc123 2008-10-26 ImageNote 1 828 1021 1428 735 3264 2156 2 Empire State Plaza ImageNoteEnd 1 ImageNote 2 1832 886 253 588 3264 2156 2 Erastus Corning Tower ...
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Keywords: Albany.jpg Hudson River and the city of Albany the capital of New York own Karthikc123 2008-10-26 ImageNote 1 828 1021 1428 735 3264 2156 2 Empire State Plaza ImageNoteEnd 1 ImageNote 2 1832 886 253 588 3264 2156 2 Erastus Corning Tower ImageNoteEnd 2 ImageNote 3 1575 1143 188 110 3264 2156 2 The Egg ImageNoteEnd 3 ImageNote 4 1705 1437 534 327 3264 2156 2 New York State Museum ImageNoteEnd 4 ImageNote 5 2281 1409 216 196 3264 2156 2 Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception ImageNoteEnd 5 ImageNote 6 2554 1654 110 90 3264 2156 2 Governor's mansion ImageNoteEnd 6 ImageNote 7 2203 1098 265 127 3264 2156 2 Times Union Center ImageNoteEnd 7 ImageNote 8 2501 874 347 167 3264 2156 2 SUNY System Administration Building formerly headquarters of the Delaware and Hudson Railroad ImageNoteEnd 8 ImageNote 9 1073 935 384 163 3264 2156 2 New York State Capitol ImageNoteEnd 9 ImageNote 10 779 931 306 127 3264 2156 2 New York State Education Department Building ImageNoteEnd 10 ImageNote 11 1636 894 98 114 3264 2156 2 Albany City Hall ImageNoteEnd 11 ImageNote 12 1583 927 98 78 3264 2156 2 New York State Court of Appeals Building ImageNoteEnd 12 ImageNote 13 1530 882 135 61 3264 2156 2 Albany County courthouse ImageNoteEnd 13 ImageNote 14 681 853 139 319 3264 2156 2 Alfred E Smith Building ImageNoteEnd 14 ImageNote 15 1575 788 86 57 3264 2156 2 First Reformed Church ImageNoteEnd 15 ImageNote 16 2681 1098 65 41 3264 2156 2 Van Ostrande-Radliff House oldest building in Albany ImageNoteEnd 16 ImageNote 17 1730 874 90 106 3264 2156 2 St Mary's Church ImageNoteEnd 17 ImageNote 18 253 1013 82 102 3264 2156 2 Albany Institute of History Art ImageNoteEnd 18 ImageNote 19 159 1037 82 78 3264 2156 2 University Club of Albany ImageNoteEnd 19 ImageNote 20 212 1123 61 61 3264 2156 2 Former Harmanus Bleecker Library ImageNoteEnd 20 ImageNote 21 1248 702 53 49 3264 2156 2 Broadway Row ImageNoteEnd 21 ImageNote 22 996 588 118 57 3264 2156 2 Broadway �Livingston Avenue Historic District ImageNoteEnd 22 ImageNote 23 975 633 102 94 3264 2156 2 St Joseph's Church ImageNoteEnd 23 ImageNote 24 2929 955 314 278 3264 2156 2 Fort Orange site ImageNoteEnd 24 ImageNote 25 2991 1254 208 159 3264 2156 2 Pastures Historic District portion ImageNoteEnd 25 ImageNote 26 2032 1989 743 163 3264 2156 2 Lincoln Park portion ImageNoteEnd 26 ImageNote 27 2681 1490 543 339 3264 2156 2 Mansion Historic District ImageNoteEnd 27 ImageNote 28 29 600 1049 151 3264 2156 2 Ten Broeck Triangle �Arbor Hill Historic District ImageNoteEnd 28 ImageNote 29 57 792 983 61 3264 2156 2 Clinton Avenue Historic District ImageNoteEnd 29 ImageNote 30 94 894 983 37 3264 2156 2 Sheridan Hollow ImageNoteEnd 30 ImageNote 31 787 857 894 204 3264 2156 2 Lafayette Park Historic District ImageNoteEnd 31 ImageNote 32 1726 715 1204 429 3264 2156 2 Downtown Albany Historic District ImageNoteEnd 32 ImageNote 33 86 1201 1269 915 3264 2156 2 Center Square/Hudson �Park Historic District ImageNoteEnd 33 Aerial photographs of New York Albany _New_York
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