Keywords: Albrecht Stanisłaŭ Radzivił. Альбрэхт Станіслаў Радзівіл (P. Danckers de Rij, 1640).jpg Artwork be Альб� ыхт Станіслаў Радзівіл 1593 �1656 Ся� эдзіна XVII ст Па� т� эт Альб� эхта Станіслава Радзівіла Albrecht Stanisłaŭ Radzivił Portrait of Albrecht Stanisław Radziwiłł Portret Albrechta Stanisława Radziwiłła s 1640 oil canvas cm 213 125 Institution Belarusian National Arts Museum accession number object history credit line http //www mdl lt/wp-content/gallery/didiku-ir-bajoru-portretai/r11 jpg www mdl lt Copyright expired PD-Art PD-old-100 Peeter Danckers de Rij 17th-century paintings in the National Arts Museum of the Republic of Belarus 1640s portrait paintings Albrycht Stanisław Radziwiłł Niasviž Castle gallery of portraits 1640 paintings in Belarus Checkered floors in portrait paintings |