Keywords: Album of Photographic Portraits of Their Majesties and The Russia's Famous, 1865 vol.2. Title page.jpg Album of Photographic Portraits of Their Majesties and The Russia's Famous / by A Denier SPb 1865 Vol 2 Title page Альбомъ фотог� афическихъ по� т� етовъ августѣйшихъ особъ и лицъ извѣстныхъ въ Россiи / Издаваемый Г Денье� омъ въ С -Пете� бу� гѣ - Санкт-Пете� бу� г 1865 � Вып 2 Титульный лист 1865 http //andcvet narod ru/sam/sam html andcvet narod ru cropped corrected Адольф Ша� лемань Г� ав П Ку� енков PD-old-100 Title pages 1865 engravings Album of Photographic Portraits of Their Majesties and The Russia's Famous 1865-66 Adolf Charlemagne |