MAKE A MEME View Large Image Alexander Andreyevich Ivanov.jpg Portrait of the Painter w Alexander Andreyevich Ivanov Portrait du peintre w Alexandre Ivanov Alexandre Andreïevitch Ivanov fr По т ет художника en The portrait was created after the death ...
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Keywords: Alexander Andreyevich Ivanov.jpg Portrait of the Painter w Alexander Andreyevich Ivanov Portrait du peintre w Alexandre Ivanov Alexandre Andreïevitch Ivanov fr По� т� ет художника en The portrait was created after the death of Alexander Ivanov 1806 �1858 and painted after a photograph По� т� ет был создан после сме� ти А А Иванова 1806 �1858 и выполнен по фотог� афии http //www belygorod ru/img2/1000_rushud/Used5/460nikov_p_t_hud_Ivanova jpg ca 1873 Creator Sergey Petrovich Postnikov Oil on canvas size cm 68 5 90 Tretyakov Gallery credit line inscription С Постниковъ signature ru S Postnikov cite book Госуда� ственная Т� етьяковская гале� ея Каталог живописи XVIII � начала ХХ века до 1917 года � осква Изоб� азительное искусство 1984 685 ru object history Pavel Tretyakov a collector the founder of Tretyakov Gallery п� иоб� етена Т� етьяков Павел � ихайлович П � Т� етьяковым ru accession number 685 LangSwitch See also См также LangSwitch The reproduction of the portrait<br>on the stamp Реп� одукция по� т� ета<br>на почтовой ма� ке <gallery> Stamp of Russia 2006 No 1132 Alexander Ivanov jpg LangSwitch The stamp of Russia 17 July 2006 Michel No 1364 Почтовая ма� ка России 17 июля 2006 г Каталог ИТЦ «� а� ка» �� 1132 </gallery> PD-old-100 Alexandr Andreevich Ivanov 19th-century portraits in the Tretyakov Gallery Sergey Petrovich Postnikov 1870s oil on canvas paintings in Russia 1870s portraits of Russia male 1873 portrait paintings Male 19th-century oil portraits of men at half length 1873 Portrait paintings of bearded men Portrait paintings of men of Russia Portrait paintings with grey background 1873 Portraits of painters from Russia Posthumous portraits
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