Keywords: jesus resurrection history historians bart d. ehrman bartdehrman quote of the day quoteoftheday black background &quot;Many Christians don't want to hear this, but the reality is that there are lots of other explanations for what happened to Jesus that are more probable than the explanation that he was raised from the dead. None of these explanations is very probable, but they are more probable, just looking at the matter historically, than the explanation of the resurrection.&quot; — Bart D. Ehrman (1955- &nbsp; &nbsp;) Jesus, Interrupted, chapter 5 (2009) Image: [Sorry, baby, gotta go meet up wit' my peeps] Christ's Appearance to Mary Magdalene after the Resurrection by Alexander Ivanov (1835) This North Eastern Life: Quote of the Day for 2016-03-27 Easter Sunday #jesus #resurrection #history #historians #BartDEhrman #quoteoftheday "Many Christians don't want to hear this, but the reality is that there are lots of other explanations for what happened to Jesus that are more probable than the explanation that he was raised from the dead. None of these explanations is very probable, but they are more probable, just looking at the matter historically, than the explanation of the resurrection." — Bart D. Ehrman (1955- ) Jesus, Interrupted, chapter 5 (2009) Image: [Sorry, baby, gotta go meet up wit' my peeps] Christ's Appearance to Mary Magdalene after the Resurrection by Alexander Ivanov (1835) This North Eastern Life: Quote of the Day for 2016-03-27 Easter Sunday #jesus #resurrection #history #historians #BartDEhrman #quoteoftheday Alexander Ivanov - Christ's Appearance to Mary Magdalene after the Resurrection - Google Art Project.jpg 1806 16 7 Russia Moscow 1806 1858 3 7 Russia St Petersburg 1858 Alexander Male 516125 Ivanov Russian 1806 - 1858 /collection/the-state-russian-museum-st-petersburg/artwork/christs-appearance-to-mary-magdalene-after-the-resurrection-alexander-ivanov/495198/ Alexander Ivanov Painter /collection/the-state-russian-museum-st-petersburg/ The State Russian Museum St Petersburg 438077 http //www rusmuseum ru/ 12/13/2011 5 22 37 PM /collection/the-state-russian-museum-st-petersburg/artwork/christs-appearance-to-mary-magdalene-after-the-resurrection-alexander-ivanov/495198/ 1835 Oil on canvas True 2420 495198 True 1835 /collection/the-state-russian-museum-st-petersburg/level/2/537032/ 2 Complete 3/27/2012 10 52 58 AM 20 The State Russian Museum 1897 painting 1830 1840 St Petersburg Russia w3210 x h2420 mm 1835 False 1 32987012987013 The State Russian Museum Object /collection/the-state-russian-museum-st-petersburg/level/2/537032/15/535017/ 15 christs-appearance-to-mary-magdalene-after-the-resurrection-alexander-ivanov Christ's Appearance to Mary Magdalene after the Resurrection c 3210 Oil on canvas Явление Х� иста � а� ии � агдалене после Воск� есения special url_id pwE-qeOqtCvCTg PD-old-100-1923 1858 Noli me tangere Alexandr Ivanov 1835 paintings from Russia 19th-century paintings of Jesus Christ Men and women in art Kneeling women in art 19th-century paintings of Mary Magdalene Eye contact in art 19th-century paintings location missing Orange and white Art with black background Females with orange dresses in art 1834 paintings from Russia Google Art Project works by Alexander Ivanov 1830s paintings in Russia Women facing right in art 1830s dresses 19th-century religious paintings in Russia <b>"Many Christians don't want to hear this, but the reality is that there are lots of other explanations for what happened to Jesus that are more probable than the explanation that he was raised from the dead. None of these explanations is very probable, but they are <i>more</i> probable, just looking at the matter historically, than the explanation of the resurrection."</b>
— <a href="" rel="nofollow">Bart D. Ehrman</a> (1955- ) <a href=",_Interrupted" rel="nofollow"><i>Jesus, Interrupted</i></a>, <a href=""Many+Christians+don't+want+to+hear+this+but+the+reality+is+that+there+are+lots+of+other+explanations+for+what+happened+to+Jesus+that+are+more+probable+than+the+explanation+that+he+was+raised+from+the+dead+None+of+these+explanations+is+very+probable+but+they+are+more+probable+just+looking+at+the+matter+historically+than+the+explanation+of+the+resurrection"&pg=PA176#v=onepage" rel="nofollow">chapter 5</a> (2009)
Image: [Sorry, baby, gotta go meet up wit' my peeps] <i><a href="" rel="nofollow">Christ</a>'s Appearance to <a href="" rel="nofollow">Mary Magdalene</a> after the <a href="" rel="nofollow">Resurrection</a></i> by <a href="" rel="nofollow">Alexander Ivanov</a> (1835)
<a href="" rel="nofollow">This North Eastern Life: Quote of the Day for 2016-03-27 Easter Sunday</a>
#jesus #resurrection #history #historians #BartDEhrman #quoteoftheday history jesus resurrection historians quoteoftheday bartdehrman |