Keywords: Alexander Pavlovich Balk, by Bulla's Studio (1916).jpg Alexander Pavlovich Balk 1866-1957 was a Russian Major General; St Petersburg's governor at the 1916-1917 1916 Александ� Павлович Балк 1866-1957 � � усский госуда� ственный деятель г� адоначальник Пет� ог� ада 1916-1917 1916 ЦГАКФФД Scanned from book Длуголенский Я � Военно-г� ажданская и полицейская власть Санкт-Пете� бу� га - Пет� ог� ада Гене� ал-губе� нато� ы г� ажданские губе� нато� ы г� адоначальники 1703-1917 � СПб Жу� нал � ева 2001г See authority at http //photoarchive spb ru/showObject do object 2500728758 photoarchive spb ru 1916 Ателье Буллы PD-RusEmpire PD-old-100 1866 births 1910s beards 1916 portrait photographs 1957 deaths 20th-century black and white portrait photographs of men 20th-century men of Russia Black and white portrait photographs of military people in uniform Black and white photographs Black and white portrait photographs of sitting men Emigrants from Russia Generals of the Russian Empire Generals of White Guard Governors of Saint Petersburg House of Balk Immigrants to Brazil Immigrants to Yugoslavia Knights of the Order of St Anna Major generals Men with beards Men with swords People with medals Photographs by Bulla Studio Photographs by Karl Bulla Recipients of the Order of Saint Stanislaus Russian |