Keywords: Alexandr III. Gatchina park.jpg Александ� III с импе� ат� ицей � а� ией Фёдо� овной и детьми � иколаем Гео� гием � ихаилом и Ксенией на лодке Гатчина http //www rusarchives ru/evants/exhibitions/mf_exp/118 shtml ГА РФ ф 677 оп 1 д 1297 л 10 > 1890 Куд� явцев и К User Art-top/Upload PD-Old Palace park Alexander III of Russia with family in photographs Nicholas II of Russia as a child George Alexandrovich of Russia in photographs Michael Alexandrovich of Russia in photographs 1890s Xenia Alexandrovna of Russia in photographs 1890s Gatchina in the 1890s Historical photos of Gatchina State Archive of the Russian Federation |