Keywords: Alexandra Pavlovna by Dm.Levitsky (1790s, Pavlovsk).jpg По� т� ет великой княжны Александ� ы Павловны в детском воз� асте 1791 г Левицкий Дмит� ий Г� иго� ьевич 1735-1822 Холст масло Portrait of female w Grand Duchess Alexandra Pavlovna of Russia 1783-1801 1791 Oil on canvas unknown http //www rulex ru/rpg/portraits/28/28093 htm other versions PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1791; Alexandra Pavlovna Female portraits by Dmitry Levitzky 18th-century portrait paintings location missing Alexandra Pavlovna of Russia in portraits 1 1791 oil on canvas paintings 1791 portrait paintings 18th-century oil portraits of girls at half length Files uploaded by Shakko from various sources Painted portraits of Grand Duchesses of Russia Paintings in the Pavlovsk Palace |