Keywords: Alexei Ivanovich Musin-Pushkin.jpg � еизвестный художник Г� аф Алексей Иванович � усин-Пушкин 1790-е � иниатю� а Эмаль на меди 6 8 × 5 3 овал Госуда� ственный Русский музей http //www antiq info/expert/6981 html s 1790 author <gallery>File RusPortraits v2-075 Le comte Alexis Ivanowitch Moussine-Pouchkine jpg</gallery> PD-old Alexei Ivanovich Musin-Pushkin 18th-century unidentified painters from Russia Portrait miniatures in the Russian Museum Originals of images from Russian portraits by Nicholas Mikhailovich Romanov Oval portrait paintings of men |