Keywords: Allen's book of berries (16364267006).jpg TRUE-TONAME STRAWBERRY PLANTS <br> Supplement Your Salary <br> The work is easy healthy pleasant and can be <br> done at odd chances To the man who works in an <br> office all day it will be an especial pleasure to get <br> out in the garden and make money while he t kes <br> his much-needed exercise A Strawberry- garden <br> offers the best possible chance for the man with a <br> little land to supplement his salary You can sell <br> tancv berries at a good price anytime and with a <br> little common sense and good plants you can grow <br> fancy berries � and make some extra money Let <br> us help you do it <br> A Family Business <br> The small farmer with a large family and little <br> land can grow berries profitably because Straw- <br> berries give a larger return per acre than almost <br> any other farm crop Again it provides healthy <br> agreeable work for the children right at home <br> working together with father or mother They can <br> help and will be glad to do it Ask them about it <br> Read about our collection D page 6 <br> Strawberries in Young Orchard <br> There is no better way to utilize the ground in a <br> voung orchard than by growing Strawberries See <br> picture Make the berries pay for growing the <br> orchard Berries give a quick return and will bring <br> in money while you are waiting for the orchard to <br> come into bearing They not only help pay for the <br> orchard but they are good for the orchard Straw- <br> berries should be thoroughly cultivated and there <br> is nothing better for the orchard than this Tillage <br> is manure and the more we cultivate the better <br> both Strawberries and orchards will be <br> Double Real-Estate Value <br> Strawberries increase the value of your farm <br> There is no better way to dispose of real estate at <br> a good price than by setting it to Strawberries <br> Not only can you get a much higher price for such <br> land but it is much easier to sell If you doubt the <br> added value a Strawberry patch affords try to <br> buy some land set to Strawberries just before they <br> begin to fruit Here's the experience of one man <br> February 3 1916 Merrimack County N H <br> Dear Sirs The only Strawberry plants I remember were <br> from your concern some few years ago when I thought I would <br> ike to raise them for money but after everything was ready <br> One of our customers picking Dunlap at the rate of <br> about 1 500 quarts per acre at a single picking and <br> ready to make delivery to a nearby town <br> for a heavy crop the following spring a gentleman came along <br> and bought my farm Presumably the acre of Strawberries <br> sold the place and at a handsome profit Yours respectfully <br> J T Tlrcott <br> But even if the price is higher it is a good propo- <br> sition for the buyer He gets the land and a valuable <br> crop just coming on that will help him greatly in <br> paying for the land or in equipping his farm Real- <br> estate men and others often plant orchards to help <br> sell land Strawberries would be just as good or <br> even better on small tracts of land already quite <br> valuable <br> OUR PLANTS ABOVE REPROACH <br> We are not much on testimonials but can say that your <br> plants formerly have been as near perfect as any we have ever <br> seen and came as near all living as any we ever bought and <br> your packing and count we consider above reproach � John <br> T Elrod Ripley County Ind January 18 1016 <br> Strawberries in young orchard 43767859 148699 77584 Page 3 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43767859 1917 10 5962/bhl title 77584 Allen Co Salisbury Md ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Biodiversity Heritage Library Allen's book of berries 1917 Garden Stories Allen Co Salisbury Md Catalogs Maryland Nurseries Horticulture Nursery stock Salisbury Strawberries U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43767859 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43767859 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom allen co salisbury md nurseries horticulture u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-28 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16364267006 2015-08-24 06 55 16 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Allen's book of berries Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |