MAKE A MEME View Large Image America noviter delineata.jpg America noviter delineata / auct Jodoco Hondio; H Picard fecit America newly delineated / by Jodocus Hondius; engraved by H Picard A 17th-century map of the Americas Scale ca 1 45 000 000 Map ranges from W 125° ...
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Keywords: America noviter delineata.jpg America noviter delineata / auct Jodoco Hondio; H Picard fecit America newly delineated / by Jodocus Hondius; engraved by H Picard A 17th-century map of the Americas Scale ca 1 45 000 000 Map ranges from W 125� W 5� and N 70� S 60� Also includes insets of the polar regions L'amérique nouvellement cartographiée / Par Jocodus Hondius; gravé par H Picard Une carte des amériques du XVIIe siècle Echelle environ 1 45 000 000 La carte couvre un espace allant de 5�W à 125�W et de 60�S à 70�N Elle inclut aussi en encarts les régions polaires Published by Jean Boisseau The U S Library of Congress gives the date of publication as 1640 while http //www mapforum com/02/bois htm another source suggests a first publication of 1637 or 1639 Digital version produced by the U S Library of Congress Geography and Map Division JPEG 2000 source image converted to JPEG by User Delirium using http //www ece uvic ca/~mdadams/jasper/ JasPer 1 701 0 since JPEG 2000 is not as of this uploading supported on Commons LOC-map g3290 np000144 1637 to 1640 Jodocus Hondius 1563-1612 PD-Art-100 Awards picture of the day 2007 04 17 Assessments 5 2006 1 1 Maps by Jodocus Hondius Old maps of the Americas Maps in Latin 1630s maps Ships on maps Featured pictures from the Library of Congress Jean Boisseau
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