Keywords: American Ambassador Kerl Rankin delivers remarks at National Taiwan University Hospital's new facility groundbreaking ceremony.jpg zh-tw 美� �駐華大使藍欽參加台大醫學院擴充計劃附設醫院放射線科建築破� �典禮並致詞 en American Ambassador Kerl Rankin delivers remarks at National Taiwan University Hospital's new facility groundbreaking ceremony 1953-08-31 zh-hant 行政院新聞� en Government Information Office Executive Yuan zh-hant 中華民� �政� en Government of the Republic of China other versions <gallery> File American Ambassador Karl Rankin 藍欽大使 jpg cropped version for Karl Rankin </gallery> Custom license marker 2016 12 13 PD-ROC-oldphoto 1953-08-31 1953 in Taiwan National Taiwan University Hospital Ceremonies in Taiwan Ground-breaking ceremonies Karl L Rankin Men with microscopes Photographs of people with the national flag of the United States in background |