MAKE A MEME View Large Image Amphitrite Louvre G104.jpg Euphronios potter signature ; Onesimos painter Theseus and Amphitrite with Athena looking on Interior from an Attic red-figure cup 500 “490 BC From Cerveteri ancient Caere Latium Thésée chez Amphitrite sous le ...
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Keywords: Amphitrite Louvre G104.jpg Euphronios potter signature ; Onesimos painter Theseus and Amphitrite with Athena looking on Interior from an Attic red-figure cup 500 �490 BC From Cerveteri ancient Caere Latium Thésée chez Amphitrite sous le regard d'Athéna Intérieur d'une coupe attique à figures rouge vers 500-490 av J -C Provenance Cerveteri Caeré H 9 6 cm 3 ¾ in Diam 39 9 cm 15 ½ in W 49 cm 19 ¼ in Museum Louvre Department of Greek Etruscan and Roman Antiquities Sully first floor room 43 case 22 Beazley Attic Red-figured Vase-Painters 1963 318 1 object history credit line Purchase 1871 accession number G 104 User Bibi Saint-Pol own work 2007-06-06 other versions <gallery> Image Theseus Athena Amphitrite Louvre G104 jpg Image Theseus Athena Louvre G104 jpg Image Detail Athena Louvre G104 jpg </gallery> Amphitrite Kylix interiors Euphronios Onesimos Greek antiquities in the Louvre - Room 43 500s BC 490s BC Ancient Greek pottery from Cerveteri
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