Keywords: Amvrosy Pobedov.jpg Artwork Creator Vladimir Borovikovsky Амв� осий Подобедов Анд� ей Иванович мит� ополит - Bischof der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche otherdate 1quarter otherdate century 19 Oil on canvas unknown object history credit line accession number http //www rulex ru/rpg/portraits/27/27714 htmhttp //img12 nnm ru/5/9/a/1/9/59a19e1d8a940ec307b3147fd238b7d7_full jpg <gallery>Ambroise Metropolite de St-Petersbourg jpg</gallery> PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1818<; Amvrosy Podobedov Male portraits by Vladimir Borovikovsky 19th-century portrait paintings location missing 19th-century portrait paintings not categorised by year 1742 births 1818 deaths 19th-century men of Russia 19th-century oil portraits of standing men at three-quarter length Badges of chivalric orders in portrait paintings Badges of the Order of St Andrew in portrait paintings Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Columns in portrait paintings Drapery in portrait paintings Male long hair in art Men looking at viewer Originals of images from Russian portraits by Nicholas Mikhailovich Romanov Portrait paintings of men of Russia Portraits of Russian priests Portraits wearing cross necklaces Tassels in portrait paintings |