Keywords: Anna Alexandrovna Dolgorukaya by Rokotov.jpg Долго� укая Анна Александ� овна у� ожд Б� едихина / Таган� огская художественная гале� ея Portrait of female Anna Dolgorukaya 1790-t oil Institution Tretyakov Gallery Institution Taganrog Art Museum http //www rulex ru/rpg/persons/187/187823 htm other versions PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1790c; Anna Dolgorukaya Female portraits by Fedor Rokotov Paintings by Rokotov in the Tretyakov Gallery Taganrog Art Museum House of Dolgorukov Anna Alexandrovna 1790s portrait paintings of Russia female 18th-century oil oval portraits of women at bust length 18th-century oil oval portraits of women at half length Fichu Files uploaded by Shakko from various sources Mob caps |