Keywords: Annunciazione - Lanfranco (Salamanca).jpg Artwork Creator Giovanni Lanfranco La obra representa el momento en que el Arcángel San Gabriel anunció a la Virgen María que sería la madre de Jesucristo el Mesías 1636 oil on canvas Size cm Institution Convento de las Agustinas e Iglesia de la Purísima Salamanca http //1 bp blogspot com/-tLmae-2Rcfw/Ui96QvWKjYI/AAAAAAAAMLE/Rl2iF8zGGrI/s1600/38 JPG accession number http //1 bp blogspot com/-tLmae-2Rcfw/Ui96QvWKjYI/AAAAAAAAMLE/Rl2iF8zGGrI/s1600/38 JPG PD-old-100 Paintings of Annunciation in Spain 17th-century paintings of Annunciation Giovanni Lanfranco Paintings in the church of La Purísima Salamanca 1636 paintings in Spain |