Keywords: Ansel Adams - Farm workers and Mt. Williamson.jpg Ansel Adams Zemědělci pracující na poli na pozadí Mt Williamson Internační tábor Manzanar Kalifornie <br /> V internačím táboře byli během druhé světové války v letech 1942-45 drženi Američané japonského původu Ansel Adams aus dem Jahr 1943 � Originalbeschreibung �Landarbeiter auf einer Farm mit dem Mount Williamson im Hintergrund � Manzanar Relocation Center in Kalifornien USA Manzanar Relocation Center California fr Légende originale Ferme travailleurs agricoles Mont Williamson en arrière plan centre de déplacés de Manzanar Californie <br /> Manzanar était un camp de concentration où des japonais et personnes d'origine japonaises vivant près de la cote ouest des États-Unis ont été déportées à partir de 1943 campo di concentramento di Manzanar California dove dal 1943 vennero deportate le persone di origine giapponese che vivevano sulla costa Ovest degli USA 1943 LangSwitch From http //memory loc gov/pnp/ppprs/00300/00370u tif 20 MB TIFF scan of original print cropped to remove print edges denoising contrast adjustments rescaled and converted to JPEG Photo from http //lcweb2 loc gov/pp/manzhtml/manzabt html Ansel Adams's Manzanar war relocation center photographs http //memory loc gov/ammem/aamhtml/aamabout html alternative overview von http //memory loc gov/pnp/ppprs/00300/00370u tif 20 MB TIFF scan of original print � Bearbeitung Kanten zugeschnitten Rauschunterdrückung Kontrasteinstellung skaliert und in das Format JPEG umgewandelt � Das Bild stammt von http //lcweb2 loc gov/pp/manzhtml/manzabt html Ansel Adams's Manzanar war relocation center photographs http //memory loc gov/ammem/aamhtml/aamabout html Alternative Ansicht ppprs 00370 Creator Ansel Adams There are no known restrictions on Ansel Adams's Manzanar photographs In giving this collection to the Library of Congress in the 1960's Ansel Adams placed no restrictions on its use http //lcweb2 loc gov/pp/manzhtml/manzres htmlhttp //www loc gov/rr/print/res/228_adam htmlhttp //memory loc gov/ammem/aamhtml/aamres html PD-USGov assessment picture of the day 2011 02 27 Assessments 1 1 1 1 Photographs by Ansel Adams of Manzanar War Relocation Center 1943 in California Owens Valley Mount Williamson Agriculture in California Featured pictures of California Black and white photographs Black and white photographs of landscapes Black and white photographs of California Featured pictures from the Library of Congress |