Keywords: Anton Ažbe 1886 Sitting male nude in profile 1.jpg en Sitting male nude in profile Charcoal paper 196 5 x 100 cm Sign and dat l sp Aschbe / 86 NG G 1411 Anton Ažbe 1886 Sedeč moški akt v profilu Oglje papir 196 5 x 100 cm Sign in dat l sp Aschbe / 86 NG G 1411 http //www ng-slo si/default asp id 32 avtor 115 prikaz umetnina ust 18 Kept by the National Gallery of Slovenia Taken from В И Ба� ановский И Б Хлебников Антон Ажбе и художники России � 2001 ISBN 9619093607 1886 Creator Anton Ažbe assessments 1 PD-old-100 spomenik Drawings by Anton Ažbe Nude drawings Drawings in the National Gallery of Slovenia Portrait drawings in Slovenia 1886 drawings in Slovenia Charcoal drawings Drawings of nude sitting males |