Keywords: Appolinary Goravsky. Bathers.JPG be А Га� аўскі Купальшчыцы Палатно алей 41×56 5 см � ацыянальны мастацкі музей Рэспублікі Бела� усь en Appolinary Goravsky Bathers 1858 http //artbelarus by/be/gallery/42 html Creator Apollinary Goravsky Institution Belarusian National Arts Museum Custom license marker 2012 02 27 PD-old-100 Uploaded with UploadWizard 19th-century landscape paintings in the National Arts Museum of the Republic of Belarus � Landscape paintings by Apollinary Goravsky Files by User Хомелка from be wikipedia 1858 paintings in Belarus 19th-century paintings of bathing females |