MAKE A MEME View Large Image Artemisia gentileschi, i santi procolo e nicea, 1631 ca..JPG Artwork Q16600313 Creator Artemisia Gentileschi ca 1636 1637 oil on canvas cm 300 180 Pozzuoli ca Naples Italy Kathedrale in Pozzuoli de Naples Italy Cathedral in Pozzuoli en ...
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Keywords: Artemisia gentileschi, i santi procolo e nicea, 1631 ca..JPG Artwork Q16600313 Creator Artemisia Gentileschi ca 1636 1637 oil on canvas cm 300 180 Pozzuoli ca Naples Italy Kathedrale in Pozzuoli de Naples Italy Cathedral in Pozzuoli en Naples Italy Catedral en Pozzuoli es Naples Italy Cathédrale de Pouzzoles Cathédrale fr à Pouzzoles fr Naples Italy Cattedrale di Pozzuoli Cattedrale it a Pozzuoli it Naples Italy Kathedraal in Pozzuoli nl Naples Italy Кафед� альный собо� в Поццуоли ru Naples Italy Collection Institution Museum of Capodimonte accession number la Saint Proculus and his mother martyrs and citizens of Pozzuoli did Artemisia Gentileschi Святой П� окл дьякон и мать его мученики и г� аждане Поццуоли исполнила А� темизия Джентилески object history LangSwitch The painting depicts the holy martyrs deacon Proculus Puteolanus and his mother Nicaea - patrons of the city of Pozzuoli martyred in 305 AD by beheading with Saint Januarius during the persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire during the reign Diocletian � а ка� тине изоб� ажены святые мученики дьякон П� окл Поццуольский и его мать � икея - пок� овители го� ода Поццуоли п� инявших мученическую сме� ть в 305 г н э че� ез обезглавливание вместе со святым Януа� ием во в� емена гонений на х� истиан в Римской импе� ии п� и импе� ато� е Диоклетиане own Sailko 2013-12-01 16 28 57 PD-old-100 cc-by-3 0 Saints by Artemisia Gentileschi Paintings of Christian saints holding the martyr's palm 1630s oil on canvas paintings in Italy 17th-century religious paintings in Italy Chiaroscuro religious paintings 1630s paintings from Italy National Museum of Capodimonte Naples Royal Palace Naples Baroque paintings in Naples Pozzuoli in art 1637 Historical images of Amphitheatre Pozzuoli Paintings of bishops 1637 paintings Martyrdom Paintings in the Royal Palace Naples Photographs by User Sailko Procolus of Pozzuoli Cattedrale di Pozzuoli
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