Keywords: Ascension Convent.jpeg � осква К� емль Вид на Вознесенский монасты� ь фото конца 19 в http //www cirota ru/forum/images/80/80028 jpeg end of the 19th century Unknown artist This image or other media file is in the public domain because its copyright has expired PD-old original upload log wikitable date/time username resolution size edit summary ---- 15 43 30 November 2007 User Serge020 <a href http //upload wikimedia org/wikipedia/commons/a/a3/80028 jpeg ><img alt Thumbnail for version as of 15 43 30 November 2007 src http //upload wikimedia org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a3/80028 jpeg/120px-80028 jpeg width 120 height 89 border 0 /></a></td><td>500×370 38 KB <nowiki> � осква К� емль Вид на Вознесенский монасты� ь фото конца 19 в http //www cirota ru/forum/images/80/80028 jpeg end of the 19th century Unknown artist Perm</nowiki> Historical images of Moscow Kremlin Historical images of churches in Moscow Ascension Convent |