Keywords: At a Party by Abram Arkhipov 1915.jpg Artwork Creator Abram Arkhipov At a Party The painting is the the author �s altered repetition of the painting Guests w Russian language Russian «Гости»; 1914 Tretyakov Gallery State Tretyakov Gallery Ка� тина является авто� ским ва� иантом-повто� ением полотна «Гости» 1914 г w Госуда� ственная Т� етьяковская гале� ея ru 1915 Oil on canvas size cm 154 105 Russian Museum object history exhibition history credit line accession number LangSwitch Artsait Ru � Russian Paintings http //www artsait ru/ Main Page http //www artsait ru/art/a/arhipov/art1 php Gallery http //www artsait ru/art/a/arhipov/img/5 jpg Pic Artsait Ru � Русская живопись http //www artsait ru/ Главная ст� аница http //www artsait ru/art/a/arhipov/art1 php Гале� ея http //www artsait ru/art/a/arhipov/img/5 jpg Изоб� ажение LangSwitch See also См также LangSwitch The reproduction of the painting<br>on the stamp Реп� одукция ка� тины<br>на почтовой ма� ке <gallery>Stamp of Russia 2012 No 1629 Abram Arkhipov jpg LangSwitch The stamp of Russia 7 Septemper 2012 PTC Marka No 1629 Почтовая ма� ка России 7 сентяб� я 2012 г Каталог ИТЦ � а� ка �� 1629 </gallery> PD-old-auto 1930 Peasants by Abram Arkhipov 1915 paintings from Russia 20th-century genre paintings 20th-century oil on canvas paintings 20th-century paintings in the Russian Museum Females with red dresses in art Genre paintings in the Russian Museum Group paintings of women People in rooms in art 1910s dresses |