Keywords: Atelier de Nicolas de Largillière, portrait de Voltaire, détail (musée Carnavalet) -001.jpg workshop of depicted person LangSwitch François-Marie Arouet 1694 �1778 known as Voltaire French Enlightenment writer and philosopher François-Marie Arouet 1694 �1778 dit Voltaire écrivain et philosophe français du siècle des Lumières Ф� ансуа-� а� и А� уэ 1694 �1778 известный под именем Вольте� а � ф� анцузский писатель и философ эпохи П� освещения after 1724-1725 Oil on canvas cm 80 65 Institution Carnavalet Salon Voltaire object history ProvenanceEvent 1899 gift M Charles Floquet exhibition history credit line Gift of Mr Charles Floquet LangSwitch This portrait is a copy of the picture conserved in the Musée national du Château de Versailles inv MV 8159 Ce portrait est une copie du tableau conservé au musée national du château de Versailles inv MV 8159 Данный по� т� ет является повто� ением ка� тины находящейся в � ациональном музее Ве� сальского дво� ца инв MV 8159 in eighteenth-century handwriting fr accession number P 208 Voltaire jpg other versions <gallery> Atelier de Nicolas de Largillière portrait de Voltaire musée Carnavalet -transparent png P 208 Nicolas de Largillière François-Marie Arouet dit Voltaire vers 1724-1725 -002-transparent png MV 8159 </gallery> PD-old-100 tonal correction de-jpg artifacts Liberal Freemason Voltaire jpg PD-old-100 original upload log This image is a derivative work of the following images Image Voltaire jpg licensed with PD-Art PD-old 2006-07-05T03 54 02Z Slarre 664x750 103685 Bytes <nowiki>Återgått till tidigare version</nowiki> 2005-06-18T22 41 01Z ArtMechanic 664x750 107109 Bytes <nowiki></nowiki> 2005-06-18T19 18 04Z Phrood 664x750 103685 Bytes <nowiki>Higher resolution image</nowiki> 2004-12-07T22 24 39Z Maarten van Vliet 184x243 12810 Bytes <nowiki>From en wikipedia PD </nowiki> Uploaded with derivativeFX DEFAULTSORT 1724-1725>; Voltaire François-Marie Arouet dit Portraits of Voltaire after Nicolas de Largillière 18th-century portrait paintings in the Musée Carnavalet 1720s oil on canvas paintings in France Portrait 18th-century men looking at viewer in art 18th-century oil portraits of men at bust length Allonge wigs in paintings Blue clothing in art male Craquelure Details of portrait paintings Portrait paintings with neutral background Powdered wigs in art Three-quarter view portrait paintings of men facing right |