Keywords: Atomic cloud over Hiroshima.jpg At the time this photo was made smoke billowed 20 000 feet above Hiroshima while smoke from the burst of the first atomic bomb had spread over 10 000 feet on the target at the base of the rising column Six planes of the 509th Composite Group participated in this mission; one to carry the bomb Enola Gay one to take scientific measurements of the blast The Great Artiste the third to take photographs Necessary Evil the others flew approximately an hour ahead to act as weather scouts 08/06/1945 Bad weather would disqualify a target as the scientists insisted on a visual delivery the primary target was Hiroshima secondary was Kokura and tertiary was Nagasaki اليوم السادس من اغسطس سنة 1945 في هيروشيما 廣島原爆� 產生的蕈� 雲 zh 第二次世界大戰� �� �的 zh 1945年 zh 8� �5日,美� �空軍� � zh 日� � zh 廣島上空投下了人類史上第� 顆用於實戰的 zh 核子武器 � �� 顆綽號� �小男孩� �的� 萬三千噸等級鈾原子彈,� �成數千尺高的驚人 zh 蕈� 雲� � 原子彈的使用到底是提早結� �戰爭避免生� �塗炭,抑或是瞬間殺人成千上萬的殘酷行為,還� �待後世公論� �願此駭人景象長留人心,勿忘戰爭殘酷� � � �� �片下載自http //www af mil 美� �空軍官方網站,根據美� �政� 政策,政� 單位� 製� 的資料皆屬公� �領域,� �� �片即� 此原則上載刊登� � NARA-image 542192 1945-08-06 Enola Gay Tail Gunner S/Sgt George R Bob Caron PD-USGov-Military-Army Atomic bombing of Japan jpg <gallery> File At the time this photo was made smoke billowed 20 000 feet above Hiroshima while smoke from the burst of the first atom - NARA - 542192 tif tif original File At the time this photo was made smoke billowed 20 000 feet above Hiroshima while smoke from the burst of the first atom - NARA - 542192 jpg jpg Cropped color correction restoration File Atomic Explosion over Hiroshima jpg File Atomic cloud over Hiroshima jpg </gallery> Assessments 1 cropped Movieevery PD-USGov Mushroom cloud over Hiroshima by George R Caron |