Keywords: at&sf atsf santa fe santafe outdoor vehicle train road railroad In storage during a recession. A Roger Puta Photograph Beau Minnick on Facebook commented, "Yes they are SD26s in the early 70s Santa Fe decided to rebuild their SD24 to bring them up to a more modern standard. This was a capital rebuilding program done at the San Bernardino shops from 73 to 78. The SD24 was never EMDs most reliable product, with Santa Fe having 80 of them rebuild made financial scene for the railroad. The rebuild included central air filtering upgraded electronics and new power assemblies which increased horsepower. They where all off the property by 1986. Some went to EMD as credit for GP50s and the rest went to the Gilford Railroad. None of them survive today." In storage during a recession. A Roger Puta Photograph Beau Minnick on Facebook commented, "Yes they are SD26s in the early 70s Santa Fe decided to rebuild their SD24 to bring them up to a more modern standard. This was a capital rebuilding program done at the San Bernardino shops from 73 to 78. The SD24 was never EMDs most reliable product, with Santa Fe having 80 of them rebuild made financial scene for the railroad. The rebuild included central air filtering upgraded electronics and new power assemblies which increased horsepower. They where all off the property by 1986. Some went to EMD as credit for GP50s and the rest went to the Gilford Railroad. None of them survive today." |